New Picture Gallery Online!!

It’s been a long time since there were updates to the site, a long time. In addition to life & work keeping me from having the energy to do it, the time consuming nature of creating, uploading and writing descriptions for the photogalleries has wore out my desire to keep things up to date.

Enter a software script called Coppermine Photo Gallery. Basically it’s a wonderful little piece of software that once installed and setup on a web server makes uploading and managing pictures very easy. It provides far more features than I could ever manage to create and facilitate on my own.

I have been working on the whole process since last weekend on and off. Setting up the software was very easy. Trying to theme it with the colors and style of the rest of the site has been tough. (I’m not totally satisfied with it yet either, so things will change as I have time to do so.) Moving all of the pictures and descriptions over to the new galleries has been very time consuming. For the time being I have pictures from when was 1st born and the most recent pictures since the in the gallery now. I will be filling in the blanks with the rest of the pictures as time passes, but there is plenty of fresh content to see immediately.

There are unique features you can use from rating pictures, sending e-cards, viewing slideshows, etc. I will probably force you to create a login to the gallery at some point; this is just to allow us some control over access to the pictures. It keeps things between friends and family that way.

Have a look at the new gallery and let us know what you think!! The link in the banner at the top of the page will take you there too.

About Pat

Sarah's Daddy and webmaster

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