Happy Halloween!!

10-31-2006 (25).jpg

Any candy around here?


For we took out to try her hand at that time honored childhood skill of pandering for sweets. Now, we dragged her out after she had already been to her school for a and party. Even with a little nap she didn’t have the stamina or endurance to go for more than a few blocks.

Sarah did OK for a 2 year old with little legs. As her goodie bag hung lower and lower on the ground we knew she was done. Although she did have the energy for a few trips up and down the slide near where we went trick or treating.

After that we came home with Sarah’s bounty of goodies and handed out more candy to the neighborhood children. Sarah and sat on the porch and as trick or treaters would walk down the sidewalk Sarah would yell “Hey Kids!” or “Happy Ham-o-ween” or even “Happy Daddy!” (She was a little confused, about a week ago for my Sarah was so happy to tell me “Happy Daddy” over and over, it must have stuck.)

About Pat

Sarah's Daddy and ErricoFamily.net webmaster

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