2006 Pictures

January 2006

<B>Notes from January 2006\'s pictures:</B> <ul> <li>Ahhh, New Year\'s Day, a day filled with football and a kid wearing a wool cap and sweater inside all day long. Hey, it works for Sarah!A new year and a new mess.</li> <li>Maybe 2006 will be Sarah\'s year for mastering the spoon and fork and she will get all of the food into her mouth. Then again, maybe not.</li> <li>Not even a cold can slow me down, or stop me from vacuuming!</li> <li>Sarah has learned the magic of good old <a href=\"http://www.heinz.com/jsp/index.jsp#\">Heinz 57</a>!! Ketchup is good on hot dogs, french fries, eggs, toast, carrots and just about anything that\'s on her plate. As a matter of fact she doesn\'t even need food, she can dip her fingers into the red sauce and just eat that! What you see below is Sarah in ketchup bliss.</li> <li>After eating breakfast this morning Sarah thought she would do a little cleaning around the house.</li> <li>She is very careful to not just clean around things but under them as well. The reddish/ orange splotches on her pajamas are from the ketchup that was on her eggs.</li> </ul>

February 2006

<B>Notes from February 2006\'s pictures:</B><ul> <li>Here are some pictures of Sarah playing and you can really see her curly hair!! It just does that on it\'s own.</li> <li>I found Sarah playing with her blocks after breakfast lining them up all in row. Maybe this is how <a href=\"http://www.exn.ca/mysticplaces/stonehenge.asp\">Stonehenge</a> was built?</li> <li>More pictures of Sarah romping around. She loves to play stickers and has no problem telling mommy who the boss is!</li> <li>Here we have Sarah with <a href=\"http://www.nickjr.com/home/shows/blue/index.jhtml\">Blue</a>! She also gets a hold of the <a href=\"http://www.tivo.com/\">TiVo</a> remote as well. Guess what show they are going to watch?</li> <li><strong>Blizzard 2006!! </strong>It was a record setting blizzard for the Tri-State area! Apparently Central Park in NYC recorded the most snow it has ever had. Here at the Jersey Shore we were dumped on pretty good. I\'m not sure of the actual total because the winds blew so much of the snow around but we seemed to get at least 10\"-12\" maybe even some more. This was Sarah\'s 1st real snowstorm that she could actually go out and play in. She didn\'t like it too much at 1st but once Sarah fell down a few times and realized it wasn\'t the end of the world she enjoyed herself. After all the snow frolicking Sarah came in for lunch and had a 4 hour nap! Yeah, she was tired alright!</li> <li>Dress Up! Sarah went into her drawers and picked out the outfit you see in these pictures. Mommy helped her get dressed in ensemble; looks like it will be some time before Sarah develops a fashion sense.</li> <li>Here is a perfect example of what happens when you let a toddler feed herself. It is especially helpful if you let her have a sloppy food like yogurt to attempt to spoon and eat.</li> <li>Sarah\'s First Movie! Sarah went to see <a href=\"http://www.curiousgeorgemovie.com/\">Curious George</a> for her very first movie. It was a great time for everybody and she can\'t wait to go see another movie.</li> </ul>

March 2006

<B>Notes from March 2006\'s pictures:</B><ul> <li>Mommy with long hair and then short hair!</li><li>Sometimes a 2 year old needs to spend some quality time with a mouth full of blanket!</li><li> Run for your lives, Sarah is an absolute terror at the playground!</li><li>So March might be a little early for a trip to the boardwalk but there were no crowds down at Pt. Pleasant. Cheesesteaks, frenchfries, & onion rings at <A HREF=\"http://www.jenkinsons.com/\">Jenkinson\'s</A> were a nice treat as we played games and Sarah danced the night away!</li><ul>

April 2006

Notes from April 2006\'s pictures:

  • Sarah looks like she is ready to go play tennis in her cute spring outfit!
  • Sarah doing some Easter egg hunting!
May 2006

<B>Notes from May 2006\'s pictures:</B><ul><li>Sarah has cool sportspec like sunglasses for when she hangs out on her swing!</li><li>For Mother\'s Day we took Mommy to <A HREF=\"http://www.moorestavern.com/\">Moore\'s Tavern</A> and then bought Sarah a new bear at the <A HREF=\"http://www.buildabear.com/\">Build-A-Bear</A> in Freehold Mall.</li><li>We also took advantage of a nice afternoon to go down to the beach and fly Sarah\'s pirate ship kite and collect some shells.</li><ul>

June 2006

July 2006

August 2006

September 2006

October 2006

November 2006

December 2006