Mommy’s Birthday!!

2007-07-08 (009).jpg

Mmmmmm, Mac & Cheese!

“Happy !!” exclaimed over and over again. We both were very excited for Mommy’s birthday, Sarah picked out a little heart pendant for Mommy all by herself at the store. (Sarah was positive that Mommy wanted a new or box of but settled on the charm) Where did we go to celebrate? Outback of course. A good Mommy knows that a happy family is a full family and she knows the best place for that. Sarah enjoyed a bowl of Mac & Cheese big enough for a bus full of two year old kids and she found dessert to her liking as well. Here she is doing her best, “Can I have some more, please?” impersonation. Follow the link for pictures of Mommy’s birthday and much more on the July 2007 page. There are some fun pics from trips to the boardwalk on July 10th & July 17th among other things.

Webmaster note: Here we have yet another entry written but not published for a few weeks. Might help if I checked my own website for updates.

About Pat

Sarah's Daddy and webmaster

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