Greetings Programs!

“On the other side of the screen, it all looks so easy.”
~ Jeff Bridges – Tron (1982)

As you can see, I took it upon myself to redesign the website. Along with the new look (It will eventually creep through to the other pages as well) the main page, this page, is completely different and running blogging software called Movable Type. This took some time to setup and configure but the benefits will far outweigh the effort put in to get running.

OK, it’s excting to me and most likely not anyone who reads any of this stuff. Basically it will be much simpler to update this page and I am working on changing the photogallery to streamline posting of new pictures on the site. (Currently are very cumbersome task I have grown to loathe immensely.)

Take a look around and tell me what you think. There is a comments link under each post to leave your thoughts. Go for it.

About Pat

Sarah's Daddy and webmaster

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